17  of  50

Had he attempted to do it all in one take . . . we’d STILL BE THERE shooting.

No individual has that great a memory, nor is that consistent in their delivery. CUE CARDs are a MUST!

So . . . be prepared!  1) Write your LARGE cue cards with the bullet points you wish to address.  2) Record each cue card multiple times.  3) ‘Cherry pick’ the best deliveries and assemble then in the final edit.

Simple and effective.

This video is an example of how to easily use ‘non professional’ talent to make a presentation.

In this case, the talent is actually looking at ‘bullet point’ cue cards next to the camera.  This way, he stays ‘on topic’ and does not wander.  The camera is about 15 feet away, so you can not tell that the talent is not looking directly into it.

Each of the many short segments was shot multiple times.  Then, in editing, we assembled the ‘best’ takes to create the final video.

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