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Because this video was not distributed to the public ‘at large’, but rather someone who was already interested in the company, its ‘shortcomings’ did not create a problem.

Some would say, that in fact, it made their offering seem more ‘genuine’.

This video was a promotional/marketing video that would be sent to prospects that wanted more information about this company.

The three principals had a very limited budget and therefore decided to be their own spokespersons as well.

We also further kept costs down by shooting at one of their houses.

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Click here to play a LARGER and HIGHER QUALITY version of this video in a SEPARATE WINDOW.Media_Innovators_Video_Example_7_files/MDI%20BPS%20Promo%20v2.mp4

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We also shot a series of interviews with some of their Reps and then one of their promotional ‘parties’.  A few months later, went to their production center to shoot some video documenting the creation process, from fabric to finished purse.

Below are actual ‘still frames’ from the interview shoot.  And as with all our video shoots, we pay great attention to the lighting.  Most of these ‘set-ups’ used 6-8 lights of different types in order to give our clients that professional ‘film’ look.